Military expenditure
Military expenditure search engine
Search engine of military expenditure in Spain carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in the General State Budget. Data are included according to:
-The Ministry of Defense
-NATO criteria (which includes all military items distributed by other ministries)
-The criterion Delàs Center (which includes the CNI and the interests of the public debt associated to Defense)
-The budget settled at the end of the year with respect to the initial approved
-Military spending in relation to the state budget and the GDP.
The data are presented in millions of current euros.
Use the year selector to filter the data. You can make multiple selections using the “shift” key or the “control” key (for alternate selections).
Ministry of Defense's initial budget
Budget of the Ministry of Defense initially approved in Spain, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in the General State Budget.
The data are presented in millions of current euros.
Ministry of Defense's liquidated budget
Budget of the Ministry of Defense finally liquidated in Spain, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in the General State Budget.
The data are presented in millions of current euros.
Budget for military operations abroad
Liquidated budget for military operations abroad in Spain, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in the General State Budget.
The data are presented in millions of current euros.
Military R&D
R&D budget of the Ministry of Defense since 1988, and comparison with R&D budget of the Ministry of Industry in Spain, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in the General State Budget.
The data are presented in millions of current euros.
Public investment in armament
Public investment in armament since 2002, and public investment in Special Weapons Programs (PEAS) since 1997 in Spain, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in the General State Budget.
The data are presented in millions of current euros.
Arms Industry
Military industry data by years
Interactive map of the military industry in Spain since 2003, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from data published in Sabi database. The data including total sales data, sales in defense, result of the exercise, total occupation, occupation in defense and the percentage of billing in defense with respect the total billing.
Arms trade
Exports by categories
Search engine for data on licensed and exported arms from Spain by categories, since 2007, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in General Subbureau of Foreing Trade of Material of Defence and of Dual-use report, “Spanish statistics on exports of defence material, other material and dual-use products and technologies
Exports to countries
Data search engine for arms exports from Spain to other countries since 2004, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in General Subbureau of Foreing Trade of Material of Defence and of Dual-use report in Subdirección General de Comercio Exterior de Material de Defensa y de Doble Uso report, “Spanish statistics on exports of defence material, other material and dual-use products and technologies
Exports of products and technologies of dual-use
Data search engine for data on exports licensed and exported by Spain of products and technologies of dual-use, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in General Subbureau of Foreing Trade of Material of Defence and of Dual-use report in Subdirección General de Comercio Exterior de Material de Defensa y de Doble Uso report, “Spanish statistics on exports of defence material, other material and dual-use products and technologies”
Exports of small arms (tariff code 93)
Exports concerning Chapter 93 in Spain since 1995, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis from “Arms, ammunition, parts and accessories” (tariff code 93) published in the Foreign Trade Database
Exports of hunting and sport shooting
Search engine for data on exports of weapons licensed and exported from Spain for hunting and shooting equipment since 2008, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in Subdirección General de Comercio Exterior de Material de Defensa y de Doble Uso report, “Spanish statistics on exports of defence material, other material and dual-use products and technologies”
Exports of riot control equipment
Search engine for data on exports of anti-riot material licensed and exported Spain since 2008, carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published in Subdirección General de Comercio Exterior de Material de Defensa y de Doble Uso report, “Spanish statistics on exports of defence material, other material and dual-use products and technologies”
Weapons financing
Worldwide armed banks database
Updated data regarding the financing of the armaments industry by financial entities identified as “Armed Banking”, among which are the main banks, large insurance companies, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and public institutions in Spain and around the world.
Armed forces
Active members and territorial distribution of the armed forces
Updated data of the active members in the Spanish Armed Forces, separated by men and women, as well as of their territorial distribution by Autonomous Community. Carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from the data published by the Ministry of Defense.
Gender and militarism
Updated data on women in the Spanish Armed Forces, the sentences of the Supreme Court (Military Chamber) in cases of violence against women, and the main regulations that refer to gender. Carried out by the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau from data published by the Ministry of Defense.
The data of troops can be consulted in the first tab.
The sentences in the second tab.
The regulations in the third tab.
Military expenditure
Global Military Expenditure
The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database contains consistent time series on the military spending of countries for the period 1949–2019. The database is updated annually, which may include updates to data for any of the years included in the database.
Arms Industry
Arms industry
The SIPRI Arms Industry Database contains information on arms-producing and military services. It includes public and private companies, but not manufacturing or maintenance units of the armed services. The database contains financial data and employment data for arms-producing companies in the OECD and developing countries (except China) based on open sources. Sources include company annual reports and articles in journals and newspapers.
Arms trade
European Union arms trade (ENAAT)
ENNAT (European Network Against Arms Trade) European arms trade data search engine. With approved licenses and exports by years and countries. This Database uses the data from the Official Journal of the European Union Annual Resports on the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports, published by the European Union.
European Union arms trade (EU)
Official European Union arms trade data search engine. The data are extracted from the official reports presented by the Member States of the European Union.
With approved licenses and exports by years, countries, regions and categories.
Global Arms Trade
The SIPRI arms trade database contains information on all major conventional arms transfers from 1950 to the most recent year.
Arms Trade Watch (UE)
ArmsTradeWatch is an initiative to map the arms industry and trade to Europe. Its objective is to allow investigative journalism and the entities that do research on this industry to continue working to improve public accountability towards this industry and change government policy.
By gathering information on the European arms industry from a wide range of open data sources, they want this data to be more accessible and to give a detailed picture of which companies are active in the defence market and arms production.
Weapons financing
Worldwide armed banks database
Updated data regarding the financing of the armaments industry between 2011 and 2017 by financial entities identified as “Armed Banking”, among which are the main banks, large insurance companies, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and public institutions in Spain and around the world.